Center for Digital Innovation is a group of researchers at Georgia State University. Our research focuses on leveraging digital innovation to create value by solving business and societal problems.
Realizing the value creation potential of digital technologies involves understanding how they can empower individuals, how organizations can deploy digital assets to transform strategies and business models, how organization can architect platforms to orchestrate vibrant ecosystems of stakeholders, and how smart collectives can be organized and governed.
We do not limit our focus to one technology or problem domain. Rather, we are investigating how advances in digital technologies, in combination with other resources, are fueling the digital revolution that is transforming business and society. We are conducting these investigations in partnership with companies across industries (e.g., Axim Collaborative, Apollo Hospitals Group, China Mobile, Deutsche Bank, Emory Healthcare, Grady Hospitals, Daimler-Chrysler, Georgia-Pacific, Hewlett-Packard, Medical College of Georgia, IBM, SAP, UPS, SunTrust, etc.) and with researchers at leading universities across the world.
Jeongmin Kim passes his comprehensive exam! Welcome to candidate-hood!
William Olivera successfully defends his dissertation! Congrats, Dr. Olivera!
Dr. Arun Rai serves on the State of Georgia’s AI Advisory Council!
Yi Yang successfully proposes her dissertation!
Dr. Yu-Kai Lin becomes Associate Professor! Congrats, Dr. Lin!
Dr. Arun Rai honored as AACSB International’s Influential Leaders in 2024!
Dr. Liwei Chen (PhD Alum) becomes Associate Professor at University of Cincinnati! Congrats on your achievement!
William Olivera is to join Florida State University as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2024!
Wei Zhang successfully defends his dissertation proposal!
William Olivera successfully defends his dissertation proposal!
We are tremendously saddened by the passing of our beloved Dr. Jessica Pye! The AIS Doctoral Student College Jessica Pye Memorial Fund has been established to honor Jessica’s leadership toward the advancement of doctoral students in Information Systems.
Dr. Lars Mathiassen appointed as Regent’s Professor, the highest professorial rank within the state’s system of public colleges and universities.
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The strategic vision of the Robinson College of Business is No one gets closer to business than Robinson. We are excited to work with our partners to be at the forefront of creating business and societal value through digital innovation. The Center for Digital Innovation has world-renowned faculty with rich experience in working with industry partners on high-impact research. Outcomes from this research have enabled companies to create significant value for their stakeholders and have been published in the very best scholarly journals.
As a college-level research center, we bring together diverse perspectives and methods to understand how digital innovation can create value in high-impact problem domains. Our experience in researching digital innovation spans diverse technologies industries, and countries. We follow an Engaged Scholarship approach to our research, where we formulate and solve problems in close engagement with our partners to create value for them and advance knowledge.