
Studying and Researching


Major Information Systems conferences:

  • ICIS: usually happens during December after Fall semester ends. The deadline for papers is May 1st that year. You will need to go through a round of review before being accepted into the conference. All papers are published at AIS Library. Doctoral Consortium: for students who proposed but have yet to defend their dissertation, you can apply to the Doctoral Consortium.

  • AMCIS: usually happens in August before Fall semester starts. The deadline for papers is March 1st that year. All papers are published at AIS Library. Doctoral Consortium (2024) early stages (have yet to pass comprehensive exams) and late stages (have passed comprehensive exams) can apply to the two tracks.

  • CIST (2024): usually happens in October during the Fall semesters. The deadline for papers is around the first two weeks of June. Papers and presentations are not published. They also have a doctoral consortium (2024) at all stages.

  • WITS: happens in December after ICIS, deadline for research in progress and complete research within the first week of August. Students who successfully proposed their dissertation can also submit it for feedback and awards.

  • WISE (2024): happens in December after ICIS. Submission is only extended abstract. Deadline for submission is August.

  • AOM: happens in August before the semester starts. IS scholars usually attend CTO or TIM division. The deadline for papers is around the 9th or 10th of January. Doctoral consortiums are offered by individual consortiums Check with your consortium to learn about the criteria and travel funds.

    Also look out for paper development workshops in the major IS conferences.

More specialized areas:

  • BU PLATFORM SYMPOSIUM: usually happens in July. The deadline for papers is around the first two weeks of April. Papers and presentations are published online as conference programs.

  • CHITA (2024): happens around the first week of May and for health-related topics. The deadline is usually around the first week of March. They also have a doctoral consortium.

  • CODE MIT (2023): for experiment methods.

  • GenAI at Wharton (2023)

  • Wiki Workshop (2024)

  • WoPA by USC (2024). Platform research

  • Wharton Innovation Doctoral Symposium

Other fields:


  • ICIS. Doctoral Consortium: as for students who proposed but have yet to defend their dissertation, you can apply to the Doctoral Consortium.

  • AMCIS: Doctoral Consortium (2024) early stages (have yet to pass comprehensive exams) and late stages (have passed comprehensive exams) can apply to the two tracks.

  • CIST (2024): doctoral consortium (2024) for all stages.

  • AOM: Doctoral consortiums are offered by individual consortium (CTO or TIM division). Check with your consortium to learn about the criteria and travel funds.


This consists of many job market experience sharing presentation I’ve attended. I am sure that I am not the most diligent student; so this list is an incomplete one. But I hope that I will be helpful in some sense. Click the name of the person to get their sharing.

2023-2024: William Olivera

2022-2023: Xinyu Fu | Liwei Chen

2021-2022: Rongen “Sophia” Zhang | Junyoung Park | Jing Tian

Contributed by GSU CIS and CDIN Students. Updated May 29, 2024.