Center's Publications


Selected Journal Publications:

Baird, A., & Maruping, L. M. (2021). The Next Generation of Research on IS Use: A Theoretical Framework of Delegation to and from Agentic IS Artifacts. MIS Quarterly45(1).

Chen, L.*, Hsieh, J. J., Rai, A., & Xu, S. (2021). How does employee infusion use of CRM systems drive customer satisfaction? Mechanism differences between face-to-face and virtual channels, MIS Quarterly (45: 2), 719-754.

Cheng, Z., Rai, A., Tian, F., & Xu, S. X. (2021). Social learning in information technology investment: The role of board interlocks. Management Science67(1), 547-576.

Dong, J. Q., Karhade, P. P., Rai, A., & Xu, S. X. (2021). How firms make information technology investment decisions: Toward a behavioral agency theory. Journal of Management Information Systems38(1), 29-58.

Lawson-Lartego, L., & Mathiassen, L. (2021). Microfranchising to alleviate poverty: An innovation network perspective. Journal of Business Ethics171(3), 545-563.

Lindgren, R., Mathiassen, L., & Schultze, U. (2021). The Dialectics of Technology Standardization. MIS Quarterly45(3).

Lin, Y. K., & Fang, X. (2021). First, do no harm: Predictive analytics to reduce in-hospital adverse events. Journal of Management Information Systems38(4), 1122-1149.

Notes: *CDIN Alumni

Other years:
